Tag Archives: procrastination

Future Blog Content – What do YOU want help with?

4 Jun

Hey guys.

I get some great feedback on here, and I really appreciate it, but I have so much stuff I can teach you that I would really like to know what YOU – my reader – would like to see on here.

Please take two seconds to click the survey below. It won’t take any details from you, it will just register a click on one of the options. It will help me decide what you guys would like help with!


Learn How to REALLY Solve Problems.

1 Jun

Do you have a problem area in life that you just can’t seem to solve?

Everyone does. 

 – Maybe your business isn’t making as much as you’d like. 

 – Maybe your personal life…well, sucks. 

– Maybe you’re caught in a vicious turf war with a local drug kingpin after you punched his beloved son in a bar fight because he was wearing the same shirt as you. And now you sleep with a gun under your pillow and accidentally set it off last night and had to lie to the police and say it was just a firecracker. 

You know, stuff we all go through. 


Think of something you’d like to improve. 

Got it?

Good. Now go and fix it. I’ve already given you the tools you need. 

See you next time. 



Just kidding. You know I’d never leave YOU hanging. 


Now, I want to take this area and do some preliminary thinking about it. You see, it is surprising how many problems in life are caused by incorrect definitions. 


Incorrect definitions. When you don’t define things correctly, you lose sight of the actual core problem, and so you lose your ability to torpedo it. 

Bear with me while I explain. Let me give you the best example I can think of. 

Imagine a guy named Joe. 

Joe doesn’t have much luck with the ladies. But he’s young, and so one night, at a bar with his buddies, he spots a beautiful girl ordering a drink. 

He goes up to chat and tries to get her number. They chat awkwardly for a bit, and she gets her drink and walks away. 


I’d take a guess that a lot of what caused his problem was the fact that he went up ASSUMING that she wouldn’t want him there, that she would be offended or upset that he would hit on her, he was taking up her time, blah blah blah. 

His problem was incorrect definitions. 

He had defined the girl, in his mind, as an OPPONENT and not as a potential TEAM-MATE. 

So, when he walked up, the ‘game’ that he was playing was that he was going to try to convince the girl to do something she didn’t want to do. 

Every word he said, and the way he acted, communicated this assumption. 

Here’s where this relates to us. 


Your mind has an INCREDIBLE ability to distort what it sees, to make sure it fits into how you think reality is. 

If you assume that someone you know secretly dislikes you, everything they say to you will appear that way. Your mind will distort how they act so it fits in with your beliefs. 

It gets worse. 

Not only does you mind distort, it can also DELETE things if it seems counter to what you believe. 

And what are these beliefs based on? 

You guessed it….

DEFINITIONS. How you have defined and labeled the people and situations in your life. 

Let’s go back to our poor friend Joe, shall we? 

Not only did Joe make himself unattractively nervous when he talked to the girl at the bar, but he distorted what she said, so it fit in with his belief that she was totally against him from the word go. 

It gets worse. 

This bemused girl actually indicated several times that she like Joe. She thought he was cute. But poor Joe, because he was fighting an opponent, not playing with a team-mate, completely missed her signals. 

So she gave up and went back to her friends, hoping for another cute guy to come along. 


He didn’t know what I’m teaching you here. 

When you sit down and define the elements in your problem area, it can show you what your assumptions are. 

Had Joe done this, he would have realised that one of his ASSUMPTIONS was that women are opponents and not team-mates. 

He would then have realised that he could test whether that is true or not. 

Next time he sees a girl at the bar, he could go up and make an effort to play the ‘team-mate’ game, and see whether that works better. 

By defining the problem area correctly….

…you will learn what your ASSUMPTIONS are. 

And, because assumptions dictate our reality…


You will find out what is ACTUALLY GOING ON.

Doing this can yield dramatic insights. It won’t solve the problem instantly – I have already given you tools in this blog to do that (and more are on the way!) – but it is necessary and essential to efficiently and elegantly start to dissolve away your problems. 

More soon. 



The Ideal Scene, and how to become Alpha

28 May

When people think of Alpha males, what comes to mind?

Being Alpha has nothing to do with being a brute, or physically imposing, or demanding.


Those are the EFFECTS of being Alpha, not the CAUSE of it.

An Alpha Male has an Ideal Scene – a specific way he wants things to look – which he is firmly committed to, and he is willing to take responsibility to supply the mental effort, thought and action necessary to morph reality into his Ideal Scene.

You know how every self-help book under the sun talks about ‘goal-setting’ and ‘defining what you want’?

This is why. They get most of the way to the core truth, which is that you need to know what to aim for.

But we want the REAL reason why!

The real reason why is that having a strong Ideal Scene allows the Alpha to notice what is different in his current reality, and then begin to supply the thought and action necessary to begin to change it.

The Ideal Scene has to be STRONG and CLEAR. Enough to be firmly committed to, and to notice when it is not yet real.

So the first step – and our first task…


What we need to understand is that being Alpha is on a gradient scale.

Remember how we just said that the Alpha has an Ideal Scene, and a willingness to take responsibility to supply the action necessary to morph reality into that Ideal Scene?

Well, that’s on a scale. The Ideal Scene that you have is your area of control. If you have an Ideal Scene about how you want your desk to look, and you are willing to be responsible for it, that is your area of control.

Do the following:

Look at an object in front of you. It may be small like your phone or wallet or keys.

Now, in your mind, flash up a mental image of how it could be better. For example, is your phone angled a little to the left and could it look better if it was straight? Is the screen a little dirty, and in that little image you flashed up of how you want it to be better, could the screen be cleaner?

Whatever it is, take two seconds and move the object or change it to how you wanted it to look.


At that moment, you were at the top of the Alpha scale…in that area of control. You had an Ideal Scene, and you took responsibility to make it happen.

Here’s the key….

The larger the area of control, the higher you rate on the Alpha scale.

Now, why did I have you flash up the mental picture? That’s what it means to have an intention and an Ideal Scene. You see EXACTLY how you want reality to look in your area of control.

The most common mistake when people talk about this whole area of ‘goals’ and ‘visualizing’ etc is that they miss out the part about the ideal scene being connected to your area of control – your reality, where you can be responsible for taking action.

Lofty goals are good, but they have no connection to an area of control, and so you have a low-to-non existent level of control….

And you so rate LOWER on the Alpha scale!

So, as you may have guessed, there is a real, workable way to systematically become more Alpha by increasing the area of control on a Gradient Scale. You become more Alpha AS YOU LEARN THE SCALE!

There are subtleties to this that are too complex to teach in full in any kind of blog post. I’ve never taught it outside of private clients. Not because it’s ‘top secret’, just because it’s damn good!

I’ll put the outlines together for you, but I will most likely put the nuts and bolts together as a report/ebook to send to my email subscribers.

If people want this, though, I need to know. It takes a lot of work to set up to teach the scale.

If you are signed up to follow, that’s great, but please spread this around. If you like what I have to say here and you have a blog, I would encourage you to link to this page. No spamming or anything – I only give solid, workable content, but I’ll only invest the time if enough people tell me they want it.

Share the love!


P.S. No ‘p.s.’ comments this time.

P.P.S. Except for the above comment. And this one.

Want to WIN BIG at the Game of Life?

20 May

Hi everyone.

Sorry I’ve been AWOL for the last couple of weeks.


To make up for it, what I have for you today is KILLER!

What I want to talk about is the subject of Games.

“Uh, I thought this was a business blog, dude…” Well, it is. But the point of ‘inner game’ for entrepreneurs is to give you the tools and technology you need, to make your Ideal Scene become real.

(If you’re wondering why I’ve used the term Ideal Scene and capitalised it…it is a definite workable idea, and perhaps the most important thing I teach. It’s out of scope for this post in any detail, but it is (in a sense) having a picture of what you are aiming for; a goal).


When I talk about Games as an ‘inner game’ concept, I mean the viewpoint of seeing your situation and approaching it as though it contains the elements of a Game. When people talk about not taking things seriously and treating it like a game, they are PARTLY RIGHT.

But…my aim in teaching is to get down to the core, workable truths that allow you to take these concepts and use them to change your life.

Now, the reason that treating things as a Game is right is because….


When you take things seriously, things become more solid. You lose flexibility. And you lose the ability to think up solutions.

Let me give you an example. Say you’re a guy going to ask a girl out. You ask her if she wants to get a drink on Friday evening, and she says “Oh, I can’t…my sister is coming over for dinner.”

Now, seriousness makes this obstacle seem solid. In other words, she probably doesn’t want to go out with you, she’s blowing you off, she’s not attracted to you etc etc


The less serious you are, the more flexibly you can approach the obstacle. “You’re busy Friday? Okay, how about Saturday then?”

Do you follow?

By approaching things as a Game, it allows you, by taking it less seriously, to approach the obstacles and barriers that you encounter as less solid. When that is the case….

you can think up ways around them!

Don’t dismiss this as obvious or silly.

Seriousness is, in my experience, one of the three biggest barriers to achieving success. You become stuck and unable to develop the flexibility to move past your obstacles.

ESPECIALLY when those obstacles are your mental fears and doubts!


Are you currently facing a problem that you can’t move around? Is your business stuck or not taking off?

Take a step back and think about your problem as a Game that you are playing.

Think about your obstacle and, especially, re-focus on what your Ideal Scene is.

That last sentence actually contains the outlying elements of what the biggest obstacle to success REALLY is. (It’s not what you might think)

But that’s for next time.

Any questions, feel free to email me or, if you’re reading this on the blog, comment below!


P.S. For those of you who asked, I do have a consulting website. I’m revamping it, so it will be online fairly soon.

P.P.S. I’m working a lot of these ideas into a step-by-step full curriculum online digital course. It’s coming along nicely, but if there is anything people want to see, problem areas you would like me to address, tell me!

A Short But INCREDIBLY Powerful Exercise…

13 May

This is going to be a short post, as an intro to some new stuff coming up.

The following mental drill looks absurdly easy, but its results are game-changing.


The reason I’m posting it here is because I really, REALLY want feedback from everyone.

So, try it, and please, please comment or email me with your results. And, if you like it and have a blog, feel free to link to the post.

I will have more posts in the next few days expanding on what this drill is supposed to do.


This is going to involve talking to yourself. You are going to (mentally) give yourself the following instruction:

“Look around the room, and find something you could have.”  (‘Have’ here means something you feel comfortable with)

And then follow the instruction.

So take a look around the room you’re in, and pick something you could have, say a cell phone.

Repeat the instruction, and pick a different object, until you have done it 10 times.


Give yourself (mentally) the following instruction:

“Look around the room, and find something you could allow to remain here.” (So, something you are happy with in the room. BUT do the instruction as worded)

Repeat the instruction until, and pick a different object, until you have done it 5 times.

And, finally:

Give yourself (mentally) the following instruction:

“Look around the room, and find something you could dispense with.” (So, something you would be happy to not have in the room. But again, do the instruction as worded)

Do this instruction ONCE.

Read this post a few times over just to make sure you have it, and do the drill. It should only take a minute or two.


“Look around the room and find something you could have” (10 times)

“Look around the room and find something you could allow to remain” (5 times)

“Look around the room and find something you could dispense with” (1 time)

And then, notice how you feel.

And – again – please let me know any changes or realisations that happened, or any questions!


P.S. This drill is KILLER if you find yourself upset, tired, or overwhelmed.

P.P.S. Do it and see why!

The Myths of Goal-Setting

9 May

Hey there.

This will be a quick post today. I have a lot more coming up about the subject of goal-setting and taking action, but wanted to share a quick thought:

One of the worst, and yet most prevalent, myths of goal-setting is that it should be small and manageable….So you don’t overwhelm yourself, don’t fail and lose confidence, don’t cause your brain to retreat into flight mode etc etc.



You actually want something that keeps you on your toes enough for the duration; so that as soon as you set or decide the goals, your mind starts throwing up objections to them.

You want to be overloaded, as this forces an adaptation inside you.

Most people underestimate how much action they are capable of. Most problems in life are caused by running into a barrier or an obstacle, and accepting it instead of the goal.

Understanding the next two sentences CHANGED. MY. LIFE.

Most of the time, the barrier is NOT the issue; it’s either a weak ideal scene/intention, or an inadequate magnitude of action.

Action disappears FALSE barriers.

The point of having a strong and clear Ideal Scene is to compel you into action, and to tackle obstacles and barriers AS they arrive!

And, with a high enough magnitude of action, you will find that most barriers can be simply blasted through,


..simply DISSOLVED by ignoring or disagreeing with them!

More to come on this soon.


P.S. Please, Please, SHARE this info and link to this blog if you like it. The more readers I get, the more I can afford to start sending out our better, more workable technology to help you all APPLY this!

Fed Up of Getting Tired?

6 May

Hey there.

Have you ever been frustrated that you simply don’t have the energy levels to do anywhere near as much as you’d like?

You sit at a computer and work for a few hours, and you are absolutely exhausted?

It’s frustrating isn’t it? You don’t WANT to spend the rest of the evening watching TV, but you simply are too tired to crack out another few hours of work…

…even though it could mean you get TWICE as much done. This could mean more money, more free time, and more independence blah blah blah.

Hang on…something about this doesn’t make sense.

How could you possibly be tired? Think about it – you have been sitting at a desk. You haven’t done any physical exercise. You may well have been snacking; so it’s not hunger. It just does not make sense that you would be so tired.

The truth is…actually, you aren’t tired. You FEEL physically drained, but when you think about it, you shouldn’t be.

You’ve seen the commuters on the way home after work, looking like zombies. Completely spaced out, exhausted beyond belief. They’re physically exhausted, but haven’t done anything physical.


Alright, alright, I’ll stop teasing you.

I said you aren’t tired. And that’s true. What you are is introverted. Now introversion in this case literally means that your attention is directed inwards, and it is STUCK.

What has happened is that you have been staring at a computer screen (or paperwork) that is about a foot from your face. Your attention has become stuck in that position.

Your body has started to shut down because it isn’t in communication with its environment (the world around it).

And because your attention is stuck and you can’t focus on what’s going on around you, you feel tired. Think about how you feel if you are trying to read a book at the end of a long day.

You simply cannot focus on the words on the page, and you get sleepier the harder you try. Your attention stops short of the book and starts to focus inwards.

The end result is drowsiness.

The best news is that this introversion is EASY to undo. With one simple drill, you can start to un-stick your attention.

Do this drill, and after a few minutes you will feel WIDE AWAKE again.

Seriously…it’s like you haven’t even been to work. All your energy will return to you, and you can easily and happily take on a few extra hours of work.

Okay, so…what is the drill?

Now, bear with me here. I’m about to say something absurdly simple….and then turbo-charge it.


Look at things.

That’s the drill. Look at things.

Don’t switch off yet. You know I have something good here. It sounds simple, but there is some super advanced tech at play here. And what I’m about to say is life-changing 😉

When your attention is introverted, it gets stuck in one place. By looking at things – and I mean, properly looking at them and placing your eyes on them – your attention starts to un-stick.

See, introversion is a LACK OF COMMUNICATION with your environment. When you place your eyes on things and really look at them, you regain communication with your environment and you start to extrovert again.

So, let’s scale the drill for you. After work, or after a long stretch at a computer, and you feel exhausted, I want you to do the following: Take a walk around the block, and look at everything. Trees, cars, buildings, people.

Put your eyes on them, and make sure you have really seen them.


Notice ONE detail about everything you see. If it’s a building, notice the shape of its roof. If it’s a person, notice the color of their hair or clothes. A car – what make is it? Is it clean or dirty? Etc etc

You will FEEL yourself start to wake up and regain energy. After a couple of times around the block, you will feel wide awake and refreshed.

Doing this drill, the drain of the last few hours of work will simply DISSOLVE away. And then, if you need, you can go right back and work all over again.

Or just enjoy the rest of your day.

Please, please, TRY this out. You will become INSTANTLY refreshed. Which means, more energy, more work (more MONEY), better use of your time. It has the works.

I, and the guys who have learned this drill, use it every day. This is a game-changer.

BONUS: People are naturally attracted to extroverted people. Doing this drill will make you more attractive to the opposite sex. Quite a few of the guys I have coached on this have even started to get APPROACHED by women.

And PLEASE, PLEASE, comment below with any feedback or questions and, especially, send this link to your friends and colleagues to try.

I have some more great stuff coming up soon.

Most will be coming by email, so SIGN UP at the top to make sure you don’t miss anything!


Sign up now for weekly ‘next-level’ tactics, drills and exercises delivered straight to your inbox.

24 Apr

Hey there. We’ve had a few emails asking about our coaching programs that are available….

…And if they are right for YOU.

Want an easy way to find out?

Sign up now for weekly ‘next-level’ tactics, drills and exercises delivered straight to your inbox.

Coaching is currently open (but won’t be for long….there are only 24 hours in a day so we can’t take on everyone).

But if you are unsure at this stage, sign up for our free weekly lessons by clicking on the ‘Sign Up Now’ box to the top right.

This stuff is GOLD, and you will LOVE it.


P.S. No obligations, unsubscribe anytime, and always email us or comment here if you want some help applying the technology!

P.P.S. We have some great stuff coming up. What are you waiting for?!

Want to learn how to INSTANTLY break through barriers and obstacles and achieve MASSIVE SUCCESS?

19 Apr

Hey there. I have an intuition about you. Are you….

FRUSTRATED that your life and business aren’t quite how you want it, even though you have the ideas and the skills to DOMINATE both??

It’s a familiar story….

  • You have great ideas
  • You know more than most people do about this area
  • You should be getting paid big bucks, able to work from your laptop anywhere in the world…

….but instead, a day can go by and you haven’t done anything to change it.

It’s like some part of you almost WANTS to remain stuck!

You silly thing! No ice cream after dinner for YOU.

Hang your head in shame.


Let’s do something about it. Right now.

Truth it, there isn’t something wrong with you. It isn’t because you aren’t clever or creative enough to do it.

It’s because you don’t know how to snap yourself out of inaction.

You know it’s true, because even as you read that, some part of you sobbed like a tiny baby ‘but it’s soooo hard! My ideas will fail! I’ll just do something tomorrow. I suck! I’ll fail and be depressed. My life is too difficult wwhhaaaah!’

Awww. Little baby wanna cry?


Now drink your milk, have someone burp you, and pay close attention to what I’m about to say.

Your problem is caused by little ideas your brain has accepted, that leave you stuck in a level of inaction, and cause you to doubt your abilities.

The good news here is that I don’t care what those ideas are. And I bet that neither do you.

You just want the quick, easy little mental drills you can do…

…anytime, anywhere…

…that will break off and shut down those barriers, and leave you ready and willing to grab life by the nards, and DOMINATE!

All you have to do is click the ‘subscribe’ button to the right, and you will be emailed whenever I update this blog. All the best technology right to your inbox.

Do it now!


P.S. I am re-opening my email sign-up list for my intense 6-week coaching program. Click the Paypal link below to sign up at a temporary reduced rate.

P.P.S. No-one else is teaching this kind of stuff. I can only take on a limited number, so don’t miss out and sit there crying. It’s bad for your computer!

P.P.P.S. Isn’t reading postscripts SUPER exciting?

Buy Now Button with Credit Cards

What is ‘Inner Game’ Coaching, and why do I need it?

17 Apr

Want to know the most revolutionary improvement you could make to your business?

That almost no-one thinks about?

That could change every area of your life?


It’s you.

Yes, YOU.

What’s the difference between you and the most successful people in the world? No-one is ‘cut from a different cloth’. They need to eat and sleep, just like you. You may be taller and stronger.

Heck, you may even be smarter.

So what do they have that you don’t? (yet….)

Their ‘Inner Game’ is different. Reality occurs to them differently. And as thoughts create reality, they achieve things and get things done that no-one else does.

Inner Game Coaching gives you tools and mental drills that you can start using – right now – to change the way the world appears to you. To remove the mental blocks and mental models that stop you from seeing and acting on opportunities that come up.

It’s more than just mental drills to destroy self-doubt and procrastination. This training will give you the tools to create an entirely new and effortless way of living. It will give you a system you can apply to any area of your business or life, and totally dominate that area.

This technology is truly game-changing for everyone that applies it.

And we will be here to help you achieve your goals, every step of the way. Whether you want audio teaching files, or email-only drills and tasks, or even custom conference calls, we will give you what you need, when you need it.

Ready to break the chains that have held you back, and create a new way of living your life?

Let’s go!